Trinity is a community in which everyone is encouraged to explore her/his/their relationship with God. We value exploring our faith through worship and service. Using Jesus as our model, we are dedicated to radical hospitality, responding to the needs of our neighbors, and respecting the dignity of every human being. Our worship services embrace the mystery, beauty, and creativity of a God who has something to say to each of us.
The Episcopal Church welcomes questions. We belief that faith rests on the three legs of scripture, reason and tradition. God gave us the gift of rational thinking to help our faith grow. We explore –unburdened by a sense that questioning is somehow ‘unchristian,’ or wrong–how understanding scripture and the rich Anglican tradition interact with our daily life. At Trinity our mission is to nurture your personal faith journey helping you to be at one in your relationship with Christ.
As a part of the world-wide Anglican Communion, we value the traditions of our past. We also realize that we must respond to how God is calling us to be and act in the world today. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your spiritual path, you are welcome at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Currently, we celebrate Holy Eucharist II on Sundays at 7:45am, 9:00am, and 11:30am, in person and live streamed (at 9am).
If you have questions regarding this information, please call the church office, 812-336-4466.
7:45am – Holy Eucharist II (in person, no music)
9:00am – Holy Eucharist II (in person, on YouTube, with music)
11:30am – Holy Eucharist II (in person, music)
Check our inspiring mosaic made by our own…. Photos by Frank Schweikhardt.
We are grateful for them.
We’re on the corner of Grant and Kirkwood.
Join us for a service or stop by for a visit.
111 S. Grant Street, Bloomington, IN 47408