Starting September 22, we return to worship in our main, 1909, sanctuary!

Spiritual Formation for Adults

Trinity Episcopal Church is committed to empowering its members to know that they are beloved children of God, why that is, and what it means for our lives. We also strive to help each member develop more spiritual resiliency for living in challenging times. 

Our goals are that everyone will be prepared for life’s challenges, have a deeper connection to God and each other, to know scripture, our tradition, and the tools of reason and be able to apply them to questions in life.

Our offerings for adults occur in a number of formats. We strive to offer chances to (1) learn about the ministries we are doing at Trinity and how to participate, (2) to learn about our faith–how to read and study scripture on your own, the teachings of our church and how to understand and apply them (or decide they aren’t helpful), ancient and modern spiritual practices, and how to understand and apply the tools and resources of theology to ethical and other life questions, (3) to learn and practice different forms of spirituality to find what works for you, and (4) to learn from and teach to members of all ages through intergenerational formation activities.

In addition to occasional special classes and retreats, we offer several regular opportunities for adult spiritual formation:

Spiritual Formation for Newcomers – Episcopal 101

Once a month, generally the last Sunday of each month, at 10:30 am, we present a series of 45-minute classes and discussions about the history, structure, and beliefs of the Episcopal Church. A full schedule is here.

Sunday Forum

Presently we offer large-group learning and discussion in the Great Hall from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. These include lecture-style teaching, spiritual practices training, intergenerational events, and fellowship.

Bible Study

Currently, we have a small group Bible Study on Sundays at 10:30 am in the library. It meets every Sunday except the 4th Sunday of the Month.

Beyond Belief

Our program “Beyond Belief” is a bi-monthly, informal, theology discussion on topics of choice brought by folks who attend! It is generally the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6pm at Canterbury House. However, occasionally it has to be moved or dropped due to Holy Days and such! Here is the 2024/25 schedule.

Lay Preaching

Have you ever felt an urge to stand up in the pulpit and proclaim the Good News in your own words? You can! We offer a program of training for anyone interested in preaching as a lay person. This program leads to formal licensing as a lay preacher by the Diocese of Indianapolis and then you are added to our schedule of preachers. Training consists of small group classes and discussions, and the training is oriented to the skills and needs of each potential lay preacher. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Matt!

Formation for College Students –

We’re glad to have you at Trinity Episcopal Church. If there is anything we can do for you during your time at IU feel free to contact the church office at (812) 336-4466. We also encourage you to connect with the Episcopal Campus Ministry at IU,  Canterbury House.

Small Groups

Women’s Night Out is an opportunity for all ages of women of Trinity to gather with each other for fellowship and mutual support. Occasionally it meets in someone’s home, but more often it meets in a local restaurant at which individuals can purchase food and or beverages as they choose.
WNO meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

For more information, contact Judith Garrison at

All men of Trinity are invited to Crumble Bakery (1567 S Piazza Dr) in Renwick Village every Tuesday from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. for jovial camaraderie and compassionate support. No RSVP is required – and parking is free!

For more information contact Tom King at

Sacred Stitchery is open to both men and women who enjoy needle crafts such as knitting, crocheting, quilting and embroidery. Trinity’s Sacred Stitchery meets on the 2nd Thursdays of most months from 10:00am – 11:00 a.m at Panera Bread. Participants work on their own personal projects; or they make and bless prayer shawls for parishioners who are ill or recovering from surgery or bereaved and also baby blankets for infants born into the Trinity community. For more information contact Margie Taylor at

Daughters of the King “DOK” is a world-wide religious order founded in 1885 by Episcopal women. Today it includes women from a wide variety of Christian traditions. Members of the DOK are ordinary women who are married and single, live in the world, and dedicate themselves prayer, service and evangelism. Monthly gatherings include educational programs; recent programs at Trinity have highlighted Amish communities of faith, virtual prayer retreats, handling conflict, book reviews, the Lenten season, Mary Magdalene, and many other topics related to Christian faith and life. Members help with church events throughout the year.

Trinity’s chapter usually meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 5:00pm in the Church Library; check the announcements in the Sunday worship bulletin for any change in location. All women interested in loving service and spiritual fellowship are welcome. For more information contact the Rev. Virginia Hall at or Heather Lake at